database management system
A database management system (DBMS) is software or the collection of programs that enables you to store, modify, and extract information from a database by the users with utmost efficiency along with safety and security features. It works on the incoming data and stores the data on the basis of different categories, classifications, sections, sub sections etc.It allows one or multiple users to access or retrieve the data from the database in a pre defined format. The Database management system is useful for a small organisation as well for a large one. Database management system is utilized for any firm or organisation having a large content to be stored and need to retrieve it frequently, for example:Computerized Library,Publishing house,Government Agencies,Inventory data,Reservation systems&Call centers.A database management system organizes the information or data internally and helps managing the data in a more effective way. It also creates flexibility in work, as it allows multiple users to work on same database at the same time & retrieving the data from past many records with different criteria, in fractions of seconds with the reporting system of Database management system allows it to be used by many largeĀ and small enterprises.